
So, there has been about 3 weeks of school now. It’s gone by really fast. It’s alright; there are a few challenges, but that’s to be expected. For the most part, they are pretty motivated and interested in German.

The other teachers are great. Everyone is ridiculously nice and helpful. The guy I’m replacing went to Germany for two years to teach at an army base. I was talking to another teacher who said he’s heard of a bunch of people who did that and ended up not coming back. That would be alright with me.

There are a lot of changes happening with the German trips the schools take. East and West High Schools share a partner school. The German school brings kids every year and then East and West takes turns taking the trip over there. East (my school) just went this summer and West is scheduled to go next summer. West has German kids arriving this week. So if I want to take kids on a trip a little more than two years from now, I need to plan on having Germans next fall already. Eek! So I’m new, the program is kind of new actually, and one of the teachers from the German school is retiring. Like I said, a lot of changes. Hopefully we’ll have a talk with the teachers from Germany when they’re here and see if they want to go through with it despite the changes.

It’s a bit scary, but on the bright side, I get to decide who goes with, so if there’s a kid who I think would be a nightmare to have along, I don’t have to bring them. That reduces my stress about it a lot; knowing that I’ll only have to bring pleasant students on the trip.

And this week is homecoming, which I’m excited about. Will and I’ll try to go to the game on Friday.


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