
Today’s cheese is the Schmelzkäse-Eckerl.

This bad boy is soft cheese. The name is literally “melting cheese”. You can also see it’s pretty good sized. The best part is that it was only a single Euro! Whooo! Cheap cheese!

Once you pop it open, you get a bit of a surprise. Forgive the missing pieces, we were hungry.

Each piece has a little tab you pull to unwrap it. Once the cheese is unwrapped, you are presented with a soft white blob that doesn’t really have much of a smell… at least not one my stuffy nose could manage to find. It’s a little squishy, but mostly firm. Once you bite into it though… oh, it’s not the cheese that melts, it’s you. This stuff is delicious. It’s very creamy and rather mild, but there is a slightly sharp hint. Texture wise it’s just… creamy. There’s really no other word to describe it.

I dare say it’s the best of the cheeses we’ve tried. Oh, I do say it! It’s very familiar to me though, like I’ve had it before. Maybe in a gift basket or something. At any rate, we’ll be buying lots of this stuff.

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