
Something that’s continually surprising to me, no matter how many times it happens, is that the local grocery store run out of stuff. A lot. The most recent incident involved beans. We wanted some red kidney beans for a meal, but they were out. Well, at least we could get our cheap-o OJ. Turn around to grab some, but find they’re out of that too! Well, maybe some strawberry yogurt then. Nope, that’s gone as well.

It’s just really strange to find so many different products out of stock. I guess I’m not sure why I’m so surprised by it. I mean, grocery stores run out of stuff in the US too. I think maybe it’s just the frequency with which it happens. If a US store kept running out of OJ or strawberry yogurt, they’d increase the size of that section and order more stock. The local grocery store doesn’t seem to do that.

This seems to be the only store with that problem, but we don’t frequent any other store nearly as much, so I can’t say with certainty it’s an isolated thing.

Side note: You may have noticed we haven’t been updating much. Well, not much has been going on. Winter break is finally over so Joni is getting back into the school thing, and I start a German class on Monday. Nothing much else planned. In about a month we’ll be going to Berlin for a week, so guaranteed we’ll have stuff to post then. You’ll just have to be patient. 🙂

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