Parking Errands

Today we made a little trip to grab some stuff, but we took a new and exciting way! During the walk, we came across a sweet park.


It’s a little depressing how awesome the parks are around here. We really want to show them to the nieces and nephews, but there’s that big wet thing between us and them.

This particular park featured a neat bridge thinger,

Bridge Thinger

a scary tall slide built onto the side of the hill,


several areas you could crawl into if you were a kid,

Crawl space 1

Crawl space 2

and a little water play area.

Water play area

We’ve seen these before, but this one had a long aqueduct that the runoff would go down.

Water duct

The aqueduct included these little gates that could be closed or opened.


They were all jammed with leaves. We tried to get in to play on it, but the gate was locked.


We figured it was either closed for the winter or was only accessible if you lived in the apartment complex next to it. It sure was cool though. We grudgingly moved on, leaving super park behind.

Super park


The main point of our journey brought us to Bauhaus, a store that is very similar to Home Depot. Like, the color scheme, checkout layout, and aisle sign fonts are all the same. It’s rather unnerving really. We had been there once before and had seen something that warranted bringing a camera with and looking a little silly. We give you, space ship shower!

Space ship shower

It’s basically a self contained shower unit you can drop into your bathroom. But that’s understating it considerably. I mean, just look at the inside of this thing!


It’s got a control panel that I can only assume runs the photon torpedoes and in-shower radio.

Control panel

It’s got a main shower head built into the top and two additional shower heads offset from that.

Shower heads

It also has a normal shower head that’s removable to use as a hand held sprayer.


Mary Jo thinks it looks like a CB radio for the space ship shower. She’s crazy.

Here’s the kicker though, there’s a built in seat with back massage sprayers!


HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?!? There’s even a foot sprayer that sits on the floor. You just sit down, put your feet on it, and it sprays your back and the bottoms of your feet. Mary Jo wanted to sit in there and pretend that the foot sprayer was the gas pedal for the space ship. Then she wanted to sit in there, use the “pedals”, and talk on the “radio”. She’s crazy.

This thing is basically what I would consider to be manifest bliss. If it wasn’t 1000 Euro and not easily shipped, I would buy it now…. well, Bauhaus is closed now, but you know what I mean.

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